runner-up, 2015 Solar Decathlon Competition
UB Grow Home
The UB Grow Home won 2nd place in the 2015 Solar Decathlon Competition! The GRoW Home is an ultra-efficient home designed, marketed and built by students and faculty at the University at Buffalo. The Communications Team was tasked with designing a deliverable to be handed out during the competition in Irvine, California.
Communications Materials
My role on the the UB GRoW Home team was to develop communications and outreach materials for the 2015 Solar Decathlon event when our home would be on display in Irvine, California. We needed an original and inventive brochure that would tell visitors about our home and stand out against our competition.
The deliverable is a double-sided, square brochure that provides information and diagrams about the GRoW Home's key features and design strategy. Visitors would receive the flat brochure upon entering the home for a tour.
The deliverable doubles as an origami cup that can be folded and filled with dirt and seeds. During the competition, visitors were taught how to fold the cup and chose the seeds they wanted to take home and grow, thus sharing sustainability and empowerment with each participant.